• Education: We have established a highly recognized education program that will give your employees valuable hands-on experience. It allows for students to practice recoveries in a safe environment. They learn to operate equipment safely and efficiently, which increases the credibility of our industry and your company and as a member, school pricing is discounted. With WAC 204-91a-180 (19), it is a requirement that drivers have completed the proper training. WSP is enforcing this requirement and we've got you covered. Whether it's a drivers first day or they have been operating heavies for 30 years and need their recertification, our program has you covered and is recognized as the leader in the state to do so. Reap the benefit with your member discount!

  • Retrospective Rating Program ("RETRO"): Towers have been part of L&I’s Retro Program for nearly 20 years. We partnered with Integrated Claims Management  (ICM) who provides administrator services and oversees our program. Members have been very successful in obtaining refunds and while most Retro programs have a goal of a 15% return, we have had years where we have far surpassed this number. With members maintain strong safety programs, participating in the recommended KOS (Keep on Salary for 30 days) Program, and utilizing the incredible benefit of ICM's experience in managing L&I claims from day one, our RETRO members continue to put monies we all have to pay back in the bank. Here’s the math: If you have five drivers and one office person, depending on your experience rating, you might be paying as follows:

           Five drivers, 2080 hours per year at $1.75 per hour = $18,200 in premiums charged        
           One office, 2080 hours per year at 0.12 per hour = $250 in premiums charged
           Total Annual Premiums Paid = $18,450

 If you were able to realize a return of 15%, that would put $2,767.50 back in YOUR pocket each year!

  • Michelin Tire Program: In June 2010, TRAW opened its own national tire account through Michelin; in turn, providing our members savings of up to 40% off retail pricing. Those who have purchased tires through this program have reported back a savings up to $250.00 per Class A Truck over any other tire pricing they could find. You are buying the best possible tire for your truck with superior mileage and service with significant savings that only our members receive. With many savings thousands annually by utilizing this program, we often hear that this is one of the greatest assets to being a member of TRAW. Need tires? Call the office and we can help! 

  • Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Hydraulic Permit (HPA): Have you ever done a recovery and had the EPA or WDF&W address the potential of damage to the environment and waterways? Whether through the recovery process or due to leaking fluids, the penalties can be astronomical. As a member, you are protected and covered under our HPA allowing for towers to complete the job at hand without threat of penalty or delays to obtain a costly permit and approval. We have streamlined the process and have a history of working directly with the WDF&W to benefit our membersAs the original tow association in our state to hold this privilege, we have set the standards that the rest aim to follow. 

  • RoadSync: Through your TRAW membership, you receive a 50% discount on monthly services with RoadSync, a system refined to allow ease and safety in invoicing and collecting of payments for your services. From proof of advanced approval of the scope of work and estimate to helping combat chargebacks, RoadSync has you covered; all from the comfort and safety of your office or cab of your truck, minimizing the dangers of roadside exposure. Ever struggle to collect through a GSA check or fleet credit card? Spent hours on the phone hitting roadblocks to get paid for the services you provided? Struggle no more. The system has made invoicing and receiving of payments a breeze through their one-of-a-kind easy to use application. Just one more way our partnerships strengthen your business while helping to keep your hard-earned money where it belongs and your employees jobs less a little less dangerous.... no more transactions as traffic whips by at 60 mph and everything is customizable with the convenience of your pre-approval, payment and related records all in one place.

  • TRAA State-Affiliate Membership: TRAW pays the annual membership dues to the Towing and Recovery Association of America so all of our members can reap the benefits. Without additional money out of your budget, you can experience the benefits of the TRAA state association membership. As part of TRAA, our members are included in the numbers fighting federally to improve our industry and kept up-to-date with all the important information towers nationwide need access to. It increases our association and memberships representation to fight issues at a state level as well; adding an additional level of legislative support at a local and national level. Supporting state associations is a TRAA priority and we are happy to be part of this nationwide team fighting to ensure longevity and success of the towing industry from Washington State to Washington DC!

  • Legislation: As a member of the TRAW, you have a team of lobbyists in Olympia watching over industry interests and needs and combating legislation that would negatively affect the work we do. Our Lobbyists are working year-round for the success of our industry with decades of experience and success. They keep our issues relevant for Lawmakers and help us in building the relationships that ensure that we continue to have a voice in Olympia, long before and after the annual session. With tried and true experience, relationships, and  success dating back to the 1980's, they know the system from the inside. Because of that we have had some tremendous “wins” throughout the years, from changes to the Streamlined Tax bill a decade ago that would have put a huge burden on all towers’ accounting systems to changes in the advertising requirements for auctions that  saved towers thousands of dollars a year to Hailey's Law and the Slow Down and Move Over legislation that helps keep us safe, as well as every Washington motorist! We are there helping ensure that our voices are heard and our challenges are addressed. And we are stronger together with "the power of a team".

  • Tow-PAC: Because we believe that the best way to effect change is to participate in the process, we have created a Political Action Committee. Through the generous donations made by our members, our Tow-PAC makes contributions to both incumbents and new candidates for various offices across the State. These contributions ensure that our voices are heard and give us the opportunity to educate Lawmakers of our industry's goals and challenges long before our time-restrictive testimony, sometimes as little as 90-seconds total per bill, during session. All donations to Tow-PAC, large and small, help the TRAW to continue to make the strides we need in creating lasting relationships that benefit the towers of Washington state!

  • Associated Petroleum Fuel Program:  As tow operators, we all know the significant cost of fuel and the impact to our bottom line. Here’s the math: If you operated five trucks that each traveled 100 miles per day and your trucks got an average of 8 miles/gallon….Five trucks X 100 miles/day = 500 miles/day at 8mpg would mean you burn about 62.5 gallons/day. Based upon 272 workdays in a year, you would be using 17,000 gallons of fuel. If you could save an average of 5 cents a gallon, that would mean savings to you of $850 annually.  

  • TowPartners: With a TRAW membership, you are automatically a member of the TowPartners network. There is no membership fee charged to you and TowPartners offers discounts on products our industry uses everyday. Offering everything from cell phones, uniforms, medical benefits, credit card solutions, dispatching software, GPS fleet tracking, camera systems and so much more at a fraction of the price to our members. You qualify for automatic savings on a large range of useful products from 10 to 50% off retail pricing.
"The Power of a Team"

Contact Us:
Email: administrator@towingandrecovery.net
Phone: 206-532-5076   Fax: 206-364-3111
P.O. Box 25174, Seattle, Washington. 98165